Idioms starts with "C" Cross Swords:- To quarrel of fight.(In the weeding ceremony Rajesh crossed swords with his newly Brother-in-law). Crocodile tears:- false display of grief. (Some girls shows crocodile tear to get sympathy) Casting pearl before swine:- Offering important things to underserving people. (Giving me good advice means casting pearl before swine) Come out of one’s shell:- To be appear suddenly. (Coming out of one's shell is most important for one to develop his personality) Closefisted person:- A miser. (Being a closefisted man he built a beautiful house). Cup of tea:- Something that comforts/pleases one. (English is not my cup of tea). Cross the bridge when you come to it:- Deal with a problem or difficulty when and if it arises. (We should cross the bridge bravely otherwise people will call us cowardice). Carrot and stick policy:- Reward and punishment policy. (There is no double that the policies of newly elected government is carrot and stic...
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